How to meet the technological requirements of moulds?
In order to ensure the manufacturing quality and reduce the production cost, the material should have good malleability, machinability and grindability, as well as small tendency of oxidation and decarbonization sensitive deformation and cracking.
How to meet the requirements of process performance?
1. 可锻性具有较低的热锻变形抗力塑性好,且锻造温度范围宽锻裂冷裂和析出网状碳化物倾向低。
1. The malleability is lower than that of hot forging, and the tendency of cold cracking and precipitation of network carbide is lower in wide forging temperature range.
2. 退火工艺性球化退火温度范围宽硬度低,且波动范围小球化率高。
2. annealing process spheroidizing annealing has wide temperature range, low hardness and high fluctuation rate.
3. 切削加工性切削用量大道山刷房 保定网站建设 保定强夯 卷扬式启闭机  保定网站制作 收费岛模具 遮阳网 麻绳具损耗低且加工表面粗糙度低。
3. the cutting property of cutting props is low and the machined surface roughness is low.
4. 淬硬性淬火后又均匀而高的表面硬度。
4. hardened quenching and uniform and high surface hardness.
5. 淬透性淬火后能获得较深的淬硬层因此采用缓和的淬火介质就能淬硬。
5. after quenching, a deeper hardened layer can be obtained after quenching, so quenching can be quenched with a mild quenching medium


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