Slipform construction method of road edge stone
1 前言
1 Preface
With the rapid development of high grade highway in our country, it is the general trend to carry out mechanized construction in an all-round way, which plays an important role in improving the quality of construction and speeding up the construction progress. Prefabricated road curb construction is mainly made of precast curb stone in the trench excavated on the shoulder. The construction progress is slow, the process is much, the occupying site is large, the overall strength of the curb is poor, and the lines are not smooth. The slipform construction method is to use the slippery stone slipform machine to continuously pour the new curb stone material at the construction site, and to form it densely. It can lay 1500m every day. The sliding mode method has the advantages of fast speed, less manpower and no need for precast sites. The overall structure of the paved road stone is of high strength and smooth and beautiful line type. It is favored by the construction units and the owners.


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