After the finished products of concrete drainage channel mold are made, they must be kept moist during the curing period, and can not be exposed to the sun and air drying. When the concrete reaches 25% - 30% of the design strength, the joint can be cut, and it is appropriate that there is no too rough stubble on the edge of the cut joint. Attention should be paid to the vibration of concrete at the corner. If necessary, reinforcement can be added. In the section of foundation change under the convection flume, additional reinforcement mesh can be used. The raw materials used for mixing concrete, especially the technical indexes of cement, should be controlled to meet the requirements of corresponding standards. During concrete vibration, attention should be paid to the vibration of those parts which are easy to produce non compaction, and to prevent the concrete stratification caused by excessive vibration. In addition, some special problems such as the prevention of concrete vibration cracking in construction pouring are also discussed.


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