Conception of new type curb
The new type of curb adopts a double-layer composite structure, the upper layer is ordinary concrete, the lower layer is porous concrete, so that the lower layer of the curb has the function of water seepage; at least in the porous concrete layer on the back side of the curb, there is a concave notch culvert extending longitudinally with the curb to make it have the water diversion function.
Ordinary concrete is used in the upper layer of the curb, which can prevent the rainwater from flowing back into the pavement structure and make the surface layer have strong structural strength; the porous concrete is used in the lower layer to form a permeable layer, which can make the water in the pavement structure drain smoothly through the permeable layer (generally, the water in the road structure is higher than both sides in the same cross section of the road, Under the action of gravity, it flows to both sides and reaches the pavement edge, which is discharged into the porous concrete layer of curb. In the porous concrete layer on the back side of the curb, there is a concave notch culvert extending longitudinally along with the curb, which will lead the seepage drainage into the rainwater wells alternately along the roadside, so as to completely discharge the internal water of the pavement structure.


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