What are the requirements for construction of roadside stone (roadside stone) in municipal works?
1. The roadside stones (roadside stones) must be constructed by hanging through the line. The top surface of the side plane indicates that the high standard line is tight, the side flat stones are laid according to the line code, the side flat stones are to be erected, and the side top line is straight, smooth and smooth. There are no high and low teeth, no upper and lower platform, internal and external wrong teeth in the plane.
2. the roadside stone (roadside stone) must be built in slurry, and the slurry must be dense.
3. The joint of roadside stone (roadside stone) is not more than 1 mm in dislocation; the joint of side stone and plain stone must be uniform in the middle.
4. side stone (roadside stone) side stone should ensure that the size and finish meet the design requirements. Beautiful appearance, the curved part of the side stone should be designed according to the radius of special processing curved stone, masonry to ensure smooth line, smooth, tight joint. The arc side stone must be cleaned after polishing.
5. the roadside stone (roadside stone) should be compacted back to the earth. The width of the road is not less than 50mm, and the thickness is not less than 15mm.
6. Curb stone (curb stone) joints: when the joints must be hooked again, to remove the debris in the side stone joints clean, wet with water, and then 1:2.5 cement mortar filling joints to dry.
7. roadside stone (along the road stone) joint, after building, proper watering and maintenance.


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